Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cherry Blossom Trip

We had a nice flight from Wilkes to Macon on March 20 and 22 for the first weekend of the Cherry Blossom Festival. For both the trip down and back, we had afternoon flights, which always lend themselves to bumpy rides. Sure enough, leaving North Carolina Friday afternoon, we were in a light chop with a few choice bumps at 6000 feet until we could get higher over Greenville/Spartanburg. Once we got up above the PBL, things smoothed out and it was fairly uneventful down to Macon. Once we approached the pattern, heard a gyrocopter call out on the CTAF, but I never saw him. He said he would be low and slow, under pattern altitude.

The flight back was Sunday afternoon and we had to get to 9000 before getting out of the chop. Landed at UKF in time to run in to Matt Hall walking the lenght of the taxiway for his exercise. The MXS-R aircraft that he had been flight testing for a few weeks was getting packed up to be shipped to Abu Dahbi for the first Red Bull Air Race in April.