Friday, February 20, 2009


So what do pilots do when they aren't flying?
They are thinking about flying.

That's what I am doing now. Beautiful day outside, but since flying is a hobby for me and I have to work a real job, I have to work today and daydream of flying in my spare time. I am also on call this weekend, so no time in the plane for me.

In my down time, I spend time reading as much as I can about flying. I regularly read the COPA forums and get daily and weekly email newsletters from AOPA and Flying magazine. Several times per week, I log in to the AOPA website to read the latest news. I also complete learning modules as they become available from the Air Safety Foundation. Not to mention various subscriptions that come in the mail throughout the month.

AOPA Flight Training magazine has a great tag line "A good pilot is always learning..." I have taken this to heart since Day One of learning to fly and spend as much time as possible trying to learn something new. Hopefully this all pays off in increased safety for me and my family when we take to the skies.

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